
Planting the Future: The Environmental Impact of Our Tree Planting in 2023

The care of the environment and its ecosystems is fundamental to our commitment to conserving our precious planet. That's why, year after year, we strive to carry out activities such as tree planting.

This time, we want to remember what was done in the year 2023 when Hotel Zuana donated a total of 107 trees. We are happy to leave a positive ecological footprint in our city!

We began on June 20, in collaboration with the NGO Saving the Amazon, donating 3 units, which were native Amazonian species, and were planted in the indigenous reserve 13 de Junio.

Then, on October 6, with the support of the Bolívar Davivienda Foundation, we carried out a donation and tree planting day, planting 100 trees at the I.E.D. Don Jaca Sede 2 school. These species were native to the region, such as Oak, Clover, Guayacan, Mango, and Nispero. On this occasion, more than 30 volunteer collaborators from our Zuana team supported us with their labor in this initiative.

On December 4, we donated native tree species to the Amatea Foundation, an environmental organization that contributes to harmony between humans and nature, as part of our environmental compensation actions as a company.

For the current year 2024, we also have tree planting actions planned, with the commitment to continue positively contributing to our planet.