a group of people posing for a photo



Discover the advantages of being a member at Zuana. Here you will find all the necessary information to make changes to your membership, plan your stays, and maximize the enjoyment of your timeshare with the help of Zusana, your friendly virtual advisor.

Inquire about the usage date of your week

Do you have plans to spend an unforgettable vacation? Discover the available dates and select the perfect time to enjoy your timeshare.

Check available dates

Information for Renting or Transferring Your Week

Take advantage of the flexibility to rent out or transfer your week. Get in touch with us and manage your property, thus maximizing your investment.

  • If you wish to transfer your week, please send us an email confirming who will be using it to: servicioalcliente@zuana.com.co. Confirm your personal details for validation in our system, and within a maximum of 6 days, you will receive confirmation of your week transfer to your email.

  • If you wish to place your week in our Informal Rental Base, request the Authorization Form, which you must fill out for your suite to be listed. The management of this database is confidential and not publicly disclosed. This request and submission of the authorization form must be made in advance (at least 2 months before the week's use) to have a better chance of renting it out.

  • The data is provided only to clients interested in the specific week and who contact our hotline. The rental negotiation must be conducted directly between the member and the interested party. Once you find the client, the process to follow is to send a communication to our Service Department: servicioalcliente@zuana.com.co, indicating the names of the people who rented your week and will occupy your suite.

Help Center Zusana

Deposit your week with Interval

To deposit your week through Interval International, please consider the following:

  • Ensure your membership with Interval is current.

  • Stay up to date with the maintenance fee for your week at Zuana.

  • You can deposit your week up to 1 year in advance of its use date at Zuana and at least 2 months in advance.

  • If you wish to deposit your week, contact Interval International now in Bogotá at the customer service telephone number: 601-9145707 option 1 or by logging into your account at www.intervalworld.com
Additional guests using your week

The number of people who can stay in your suite is equal to its capacity. As per hotel policies, a maximum of one additional person is allowed in the same suite. In the event that there are two additional persons, they will be permitted only if the resort has a suite with a higher capacity available at the time of your request.

For this process, please send us an email at servicioalcliente@zuana.com.co, providing the names and ages of the additional guests.

I can't make use of my week

t is important to remember that the Time Share, the product we market, refers to the enjoyment of a fixed week in a corresponding year: even, odd, or every other year, in a specific suite. Within the contract, the option of internal temporary exchange or week recovery is not contemplated due to the nature of the business. If for any reason, you cannot enjoy your week, consider these alternatives so you don't lose it: TRAVEL, TRANSFER - RENT OUT OR DEPOSIT. Meet our virtual assistant click here

Permanent Change of one or more Characteristics of your Participation Right

You can carry out the process of permanently changing your week by requesting it through our email servicioalcliente@zuana.com.co.

Keep in mind the following when requesting your change:

  • If you request a change to a suite with a higher capacity or a change of season, you must pay the corresponding surcharge, which will be informed to you before processing the request.

  • To make a change that does not affect any of the characteristics you currently have in your participation right, you must pay the corresponding administrative fees.

  • To make any changes, please ensure that you are up to date with all obligations acquired.

Help Center Zusana

Te presentamos a nuestros socios Videobloggers, ellos nos
hacen un recorrido por nuestro espectacular Resort:

Our timeshare members share the reasons
why they chose to become Zuana members:

  • All
  • Experiencia
  • Inversión
  • Respaldo
Family celebrating

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